When Most people think of Faeries they think tinkerbell and happy go lucky little sparkly beings. But that is not always true.
These entities do have a darker side. Whether being responsible for kidnappings or unexplainable injuries on those who come to close to their land, there are reports dating back hundreds of years of these events.
There are quite a number of reports online, especially of people who get to close to their areas. One example of this is the case from Co. Wicklow when a young girl vanished for three days. The whole community searched high and low for her, looking in the fields, ditches and woodlands but to no avail. When the girl finally reappeared she told her parents that she had been taken away by tiny men in red. The girl managed to overcome her ordeal but the site of the abduction was recorded by the locals and preserved so as to make sure nobody else suffered the same fate.
One thing you do see a lot is the fact that people who are taken, often are returned on the third day. In another infamous example of an Irish fairy abduction a woman went missing overnight and when she was returned she told those who had been searching for her that "... she was in lovely cities and saw lovely women, who all bowed to her." she was returned after 3 days.
In a similar case a family happened too live close to an ancient fairy fort and one morning as a woman is using a spinning wheel she noticed a tiny person standing by the door of the house. When the woman stood up and walked to the door to investigate she was taken away by a group of small people.
When the family arrived home and noticed their aunt had vanished they searched everywhere in the vicinity but found no sign of her. They searched the drains, the ditches and even the fairy fort itself. It was on the third day of her disappearance that one of the family was walking by the fort when they saw the aunt kneeling next to it. She had vanished while holding a carving knife and this was stuck in the ground next to her. The aunt could not speak for days after her return and it was only then that the family learned of her fairy abduction.
I also dug up a couple reports of children or teens out playing and seeing groups of diminuitive beings dressed in red robes. When they children approach, the beings start yelling and chasing the children away. even using small sticks and stones to scare them. while there are many similarities it is clear that there are also plenty of differences like in these instances.
One crazy incident I found was of a framer who allegedly chopped down a fairy tree. Upon waking up the next morning, the man found his head on backwards. I can imagine that would be quite startling. lol
While these and other events seem to state that these beings can be angry or vicious. They are often only defending or protecting their lands. The kidnappings are more malicious obviously and have led to some of the more gruesome incidents in fairy folkore. Honestly the "Kidnappings" show that humans are the real monsters. I will touch base on that in another post. For now I am going to end this post with an interesting encounter. Most of these encounters happen in what would be thougt of as "Native Fairy lands" Ireland, europe, Britain. This one However, happens in Australia...
a man claimed that he had came face to face with some sort of wood sprite in Australia called a “Woodarjee,” which were described as well known by the Aborigines and as “mischievous, sometimes violent little people.”
The witness claims that in the 1980s he had been in the Perth suburb of Coolongup as a child, along with his brother and cousins. They had been playing hide n’ seek in some bushland when the witness says he had heard a noise nearby. When he turned towards the source, he claims that he saw standing there a “small Aboriginal man” who measured a mere 13 inches in height. The tiny little man had in his hands a spear, and he glared at the witness angrily before throwing the spear, which lodged itself in the witness’s foot. Oddly, when the little man retreated, the spear and the wound allegedly completely vanished.
Very interesting stuff, thanks for reading everyone!!!