The diamond Princess, a cruise Liner has been stranded off of the coast of Japan for a while now since a passenger disembarked for Hong Kong who tested positive for the virus. The week of Feb 6, 41 people were added to the count of infected among the ship.
A week later, more than 30 more people were added to the list of infected. Of the 3,600 people aboard the cruise liner 174 have now been confirmed sick from the Coronavirus. These individuals have been mainly confined to cabins and quarantined in order to quell the spread. However, this seems to have little to no effect on the spread of the virus. So why is that?
We have now heard from around the world many theories as to how the virus got to humans in the first place. First it was thought to have been spread from snakes and reptiles to humans. Then it was other animals like small mammals. Just one day a go an apartment building was locked down in China due to the fact that the virus was not only surviving but somehow spreading through pipes within the building.

Multiple residents of the apartment building were getting sick, but they were all in the same unit number, just on different floors. So it is no surprise that we still do not know how these individuals aboard this ship are getting sick. One would assume the virus is traveling through the air ducts.
It is possible that the virus will crawl across the ship and infect all of those aboard before it is all over. The virus in general seems to be moving of its own volition. In ways that we can not seem to prevent or even figure out for that matter. Through certain contacts I have gained over years of research, I have learned that airlines across America are putting out multiple warnings.
The emails received that are usually sent only to pilots and need to know individuals are stating that there should be more cases expected in the coming days and weeks. Also, updates on the CDC and their responses, including sending teams to investigate outbreaks. the virus has and will continue to take the entire world by storm. I have jokingly said to friends it seems like someone is playing "Plague Inc." which is an app where you start a virus and attempt to end mankind.

On a semi-related final note. The Wuhan Virus lab where people swear the virus did not come from! has nearly the exact same freaking logo as the Umbrella Corp. A virus research lab from a video game universe, the lab accidentally releases a virus which leads to a zombie outbreak, essentially ending the world...
So here we go.