There is one more modern mystery that has stumped not only me, but thousands of researchers, and tens of thousands of people around the world. The Mandela effect is an absolutely insane mystery. For anyone who has never heard of it, the main premise is that some things we know or knew have changed. Movie lines, logos, and even countries are not the same as they were before the event began.
There is a lot of material to cover with this; so I may make this a 2-part series. It began around 2009, when a website popped up. The website is dedicated to the fact that some of us have “memories” that do not match our current reality; this is called the Mandela Effect. The name derived from the South African prisoner turned president, Nelson Mandela. The name came from the point that some people remember him dying in prison; when he actually went on to live through and eventually become president in the post-apartheid South Africa.
Again, there have now been thousands of these "memories" people have; but are completely incorrect. This stuff was so wild to me I remember the day, a few years ago, when I first heard of this. I was litteraly pacing around my home, calling friends to tell them, lol.
Some of the common movie changes are...
Star Wars- “Luke, I am your father” is actually "No, I am your father”
Sleeping Beauty - “Mirror mirror on the wall”, is actually "slave in the magic mirror on the wall"
Forrest Gump - “Mom always said life was like a box of chocolates” actually says “life is like a box of chocolates”
Field of Dreams- "If you build it they will come, is actually "If you build it, he will come."

Those are just a few of the movie quotes that have been changed. There are also tons of logos that people remember differently. Different spellings, different colors, or just different entirely. Other main stream ones are certain celebrities that people remember dying; even stating that there were remembrance videos on youtube and other sites.
People like the comedian, Louie Anderson, lived way past the time people thought he had. Muhammad Ali died years before he actually did according to some people. The one that really got me wound up was my childhood favorite. The BerenstAin Bears. I say that because I, and like 98% of America, remember them as the Berenstein Bears. I know for an indisputable fact there was no ‘A’ in that freaking name. .
Those are just a few of the main-stream ones. There are many more celebrity changes and deaths; but too many to list for times sake. Political changes such as Tianemen Square, where everyone knows the young man standing in front of the tanks; however some people remember him being run over. There are some people who remember entire countries and continents being different. For instance, Japans relation to China, New Zealand’s location, Madagascars’ size and location. Multiple other border changes and things of that nature.

This I feel could just be misinterpretation or misunderstanding. Basically, our failure as a people, to teach people facts and truths. There are also other political and pop cultural instances of this. Remember the ones that I am mentioning are literally a fraction.
Politicians and big names like Martin Luther King, Jr., Abraham Lincoln, Bin Laden, Mussolini, Ronald Reagan, all have people who remember them dying differently than they did in our timeline. Again, no one can explain why this is happening. With mainstream news today, it is now being seen as an issue with their "truth." The story we could have received all along was more likely askew.
Other movies and TV shows like Jurrassic park, Married with Children, Justice League, Independence Day, Cinderella, Snow White, Star Wars, and Sex in the City. All of the aforementioned have changes to titles, famous scenes, lines or even different actors completely.
The last two I will go over are some of the other “big ones” that really caught my eye in the beginning of my research. JFK's car. I remember, even in videos, that there a driver, a passenger, President and First Lady. Apparently, there were 6 seats for some weird reason. The Governor of Texas and his wife were in the middle seats. This was complete news to me.
The last one which has affected some areas only, include a few bible verses which have appeared to have been changed. Some minor,like words that have no place in the bible.
Words like "stuff" are now in the bible. I have lost the research on which verse; however, it was something along the lines of: "The stuff was used, or he was given the stuff." Either way no matter how one translates the writings, I doubt the word “stuff” should not be in the bible. Also the main one, formally the verse about the Lion and the Lamb. Now states the Wolf and the Lamb. Even in some photos that would hang in a church now show a wolf laying beside a lamb. That, to me, I thought, was quite interesting.
Either way, this has taken the world by storm over the last couple years, it has such died down as there are bigger fish to fry, but still should be learned about. This will be part one of this post. On the part two I will go over some of the science behind this Theory, and some of the even more absurd theories as to what may have caused it to happen.