I do not just love the Paranormal. I am a huge comedy, nerd, techie. There has been a ton of debate the last few years about the funniest/best sitcoms. Obviously your top contenders are The office, parks and rec, and a newer show Letterkenny.
I will say these are all great Iconic shows. Letterkenny has become a cultural phenomena and is hilarious, but not as family friendly as the others. These three shows are funny, have great characters, and great story lines. However, there is one show hidden amongst them, one that not nearly enough people have seen.
The It crowd( Currently on Netflix) is litterally the funniest show i have ever seen. Most sitcoms offer a lot of "nose" laughs, or LOL's, but rarely physically actual laughter. Something about the it crowd just lifts the spirits and brings out actual laughter in nearly every episode. The characters, Story Lines, and jokes are great for everyone.

The show centers around 3 main people, with a few others who pop in and out of the show. Which is even more rare to be sucessful, Even the office had a large cast. First you have Moss, Played by Richard Ayoade, is a fantastic dead pan character. His straight forward genius, yet confused by simple things is a combination that kills.
In the picture above, he is sending an email to alert the others that there is a fire in the office. In one episode the two main characters skip work for the day, and his child like nervousness and excitement at a day of skipping is fantastic. great character.

Then we have Roy, played by Chris O'dowd. Roy is completely aloof yet at the same time has to try and keep tabs on Moss it seems. both characters play greatly between aloof adults, nerdy teenagers, and attempting to keep each other in line and out of trouble. Roys inability to find a steady relationship also lends to a few solidly hilarious story lines. For instance, maybe frowned upon in 2019, I thought hilarious was a later episode. Roys Girlfriend compliments him by telling him he is on the ARTistic Spectrum...at least that is what he heard.

Then you have Jen, played by Katherine Parkinson. She plays the manager of the basement banished IT department. With her eyes on a top floor position she accepts her "promotion" to manager of IT. However, she knows 0 about computers. there is an entire seen of her doing an interview for eventual promotion and being asked what exactly does IT mean, which of course, she does not know.
This show has got to be up there with the other iconics. It is, for the most part family friendly as well. Which makes it great for everyone. The only complaint I have, and I have ever heard of this show is that it did not go on long enough. it is a British comedy, and as is often the case, their series are short lived. there have been numerous attempts at a reboot that failed. Including an Americanized version that never made it past the pilot.

This show is beginning to end strong. I can not recommend this show enough. Any fan of solid comedy should at least give it a shot. While this is not the usual topic of this blog, I do want to share some other articles and thoughts.
Thanks for reading.