Truthfully we could have gone with the earlier setting of Warhammer, but 40k is so Absurd that it would be perfect. This one I would like to see Netflix or HBO pick up. The thing is that they mythos around the Universe is abundant.
Warhammer, began as a table top game where miniature scale figures battle it out in strategy war. The main bulk of the history is in the novels. The sheer amount is overwhelming, some series have been running for a decade or more and have reached across thousands of years of the universe. The main reason I can see for not pushing this for a series would be the scale needed. It would have to be animated or heavy with CGI.
It would be great to see this Universe brought to life. The Massive hulking Space Marines tearing through hordes of Orcs or Chaos spawn. Space elves(yes that's right) fending off attacks from the terminator like Necrons. Possibly a Starship troopers angle. A group of marines holding a planet against the attack of the Tyranid swarms. There are boundless possibilities. Guess we will have to wait and see

2- THE DARK TOWER- The man in black fled across the desert, and the Gunslinger followed. This series has something for everyone. King Arthur, feudalism, parallel universes, a love story, magic in the Wild West, broken and flawed protagonists, and all of it revolving around a creepy mysterious tower.
This one has already had a fairly decent movie made about it. However, I feel like a more slow burn western angle to the story line would be nice. This world combines feelings of the King Arthur legends, Clint Eastwood Movies, and with a dash of magic for S's and G's. I think personally, you slap it on FX or Netflix with a Preacher kind of feel to it, you got yourself a winner.

3- WARCRAFT- Launching in 1994 the world of Azeroth has been a home for millions of fans around the world. The Warcraft games pitting humans versus Orcs, and eventually adding plenty of other races, has consistently been a major player in the market.
The main game of note, World of Warcraft, is kind of the grandfather of open world gaming.While there were others. None have been so impactive to gaming society. There was a solid movie made a few years ago, but it came up short in many areas. The universe and Lore, thanks to updates to WOW, is now deep and expanding. This would open up a great chance for a series. Even if it was to land on Disney plus or Hulu. Thankfully this one does not have to be so dark and destructive. You can still have large battles but make the stories more personal.

4- HYBORIA- Now a complete opposite, and one that would have to be violent, takes us to Hyboria. The world of Conan the Barbarian is a harsh one, and the Lore here is ripe for the picking. With the great movies starring old Arnie, one new movie, and a newer open world Game, there is a good bit to draw from.
There are also books and comics as well. This has actually been one of the more realized worlds as far as media types goes. This does not hurt the chance at a series however, mainly because, while we don't want to admit it, we love the violence. This show hands down needs to go to Starz or HBO. A feel and look similar to Spartacus, or Game of thrones but in a desert setting would dominate the ratings.

5- DISCWORLD- Finally, here we have the most absurd of the list. Discworld for those who have never read any of the more than 10 books should really treat themselves. The ride is often confusing but worth the trip. The world created by Terry Pratchett, is one combining feelings and imagery of very different styles. It is like Tolkien, Lovecraft, and Shakespeare sat down to write a book, then dropped all of their paper on the floor.
The book series, now up to 41 books, has been around since 1983. So there is plenty to pull from. A side note to my nerdiness, the series was an inspiration for a series of short stories I am working on. There are plenty of characters and locations to use, should a company attempt to make a full scale series. There have been a couple limited series, board games, and other types of books written on the universe, but never a true series. This would feel right at home on Amazon Prime, given the work they did on the fantastical "Good Omens" I think it would have a chance of being great.