While researching the paranormal, one may come across multiple types of hauntings. some can mimic others, while some are distinctly unique. it is incredibly importnt to be able to decipher the differences in order to assist those in need. here is a look at some common types one may experience.
RESIDUAL- This is commonly known by the repeating nature of the "spirits" in question. If someone says I see shadow figures, but they only go from this room to this room, or walk through a wall that did not used to be there, those are a dead(pun intended) give away. Obviously we do not know everything regarding the paranormal. However, most researchers believe this type of haunting is based on a few things. Could be caused by a tragic accident, the spirit does not know they have passed. it could also be what is called the "Stone tape theory."
This says that certain materials like quartz, limestone, certain woods, etc. Can "soak" up energy. this is one of the main theories behind the activity at the Stanley hotel, site the The Shining is based on. The hotel is built on a mountain that contains huge amounts of these types of stones. Either way, it is important to note that if a haunting is blieved to be residual, the chance for interactions and EVP's become nearly non-existent.

INTELLIGENT- This type of haunting is the main type of haunting investigated by paranormal investigators. As the name implies, this type of haunting has intelligence, or consciousness associated with it. For those that believe ghosts are spirits of the dead, this is the consciousness of that deceased individual. Whatever it may be, it can respond to questions, react to trigger objects, and interact in many ways with the investigators.
the important thing to remember with these is to go off of what you see, hear, and feel. If this entity is scratching people, giving vulgar EVP's, or something else malevolent. Do not go in lightly, be prepared. intelligent entities can give you great evidence, but they are not to be taken lightly.

POLTERGEIST- Hollywood has told us that poltergeist means “noisy ghost” in German. Hollywood was close, but it actually means “rumble ghost”, which I guess could be construed to mean the same thing. Now what you also see in Hollywood is that these incidents are caused by evil, or demonic entities. While this is possible that is often not the case.
Some believe that this is caused by what are called "human agents." This is said to be usually a young person, mainly females going through puberty or a life change. somehow this change causes a spike in certain brain activity thus these teens are doing this and more often than not, they have no idea. To me honestly, this theory, while mainstream seems incredibly far fetched. just because teens go through puberty they can suddenly throw things with their mind, or make things pass through walls? Come on.
While I do not completely agree with this, i guess depending on the person and certain environmental influences (EMF) it may be possible. It could be that a teen going through this while just happening to live in a "Haunted or active" area could boost this activity possibly. I actually put forth with some historical legends and stories, that some poltergeist could be what the mainstream knows as "Faeries" It is known in most countries that are home to Elf legends that one does not disturb them or their land, for fear of this type of activity. There are also more than a fair amount of these cases turning out to be hoaxes, so be mindful of peoples reactions during investigations. Just a thought.

INHUMAN- now again, do not be fooled by Hollywood or fancy TV hunters. Inhuman does not always mean demonic. It simply refers to any haunting not by a human spirit. this could mean animal, angelic, elemental, etc. Do not just jump to the worst possible conclusion.
The basic concept of an Elemental refers to the ancient idea of the elements Earth, Water, Wind, Fire, and Aether as the fundamental building blocks of nature. They were prominent in many of the native cultures throughout the world. Elementals are referred to by various names. In the English European tradition these include Fairies, Elves, Devas, Brownies, Leprechauns, Gnomes, Sprites, Pixies, Banshees, Goblins, Dryads, Mermaids, Trolls, Dragons, Griffins, and numerous others. Gnomes are an example of an earth Elemental and Nymphs are an example of a water Elemental.
These types of beings are thought to cause multiple things, and bare with us, this is not something encountered often. They can cause earthquakes, floods, thunderstorms, etc. This could be interpreted as the Fae, and could be a cause for poltergeist activity as well. There are plenty of historical reports of people cutting down certain trees, destroying land, etc. Only to have their home tormented, and even one random one of a guy who woke up with his head on backwards!
SHADOW PEOPLE- One being investigators should be aware of are "Shadow Beings." These are mentioned in encounters for hundreds of years in various ways. These are often reported as malevolent, but I and a few others, think there may be good and bad. they could be much like humans in the arena. These beings are denoted by intelligent movement of shadowy human forms. Usually appearing to wear some type of clothing. There is far to much history of these beings to go over here, but they had to be mentioned.

DEMONIC- First and foremost, demonic hauntings are very dangerous and should not be treated lightly. Whether you believe in demons or not, a demonic haunting essentially has all the hallmarks of a poltergeist haunting except for a few exceptions. Often one person in the home will be the main focus, and it will be negative focus. so look for one individual displaying abnormal actions, depression, or even just a lack of sleep. However, it is hard to say if this is a psychological result of living in a haunted location or if something outside of that person is affecting them adversely.
Often you will see religious items lost or disturbed, or upside down. There is usually a smell reported as well, sulfur, or rotten eggs. The interactions with investigators could fluctuate greatly as well. If the affected person or family is reporting grandiose activity, and the investigators arrive and get nothing, it could be that the entity is hiding. This happens quite often in these cases due to the intelligence of the entity. there are very few legit cases of demonic activity recorded in paranormal investigations. However, they do happen, and if you suspect one, handle with the utmost caution.
These are the most likely encountered hauntings. This list comprises pretty much anything you could see in a haunting. there is much more to say about each of these, but this should be a good starting point for any investigator. It is important to remember, handle each investigation with care and caution, we may not be prepared for what the other side has in store for us. Good Luck.