I am willing to bet a good bit that even if you are a conspiracy theorist you have never heard of Astana. As the first new capital of the 21st century, the city of Astana in Kazakhstan has been received by many as a revolution in social architecture. Rising out of the barren steppe in the north of the country, this surreal capital represents the investment of billions upon billions of petrodollars; and features some of the most radical, revolutionary design the world has ever seen.
It was a city coming out of nowhere, it rivals some of the craziest architecture in the world, but has been around for years. Renamed Astana, and named as the new capitol of Kazakhstan in the early 90's. Not everybody is queueing up to welcome this city of the future, however. Critics and conspiracy theorists the world over have pointed out the rich occult symbology which seems so deeply ingrained into the aesthetics of Astana… and many are heralding this as the ‘Illuminati Capital of the World.; Most of the city has been paid in one way or another by oil and gas tycoons, which is a red flag.
Some other red flags go up regarding the town. Of course the architecture again, seems to have no place in the middle of this country. The futuristic buildings lend people to think of Mumbai, Tokyo, or New York. The obvious red flag of the name, an annagram for Satan(Astana). Also, most pictures you will see are of this incredibly beautiful place, nearly devoid of people. That is because there is little residential areas or zones. Most government employees commute by plane. The fact that the city is home to only a million or so people, lends to the theory that this is where the elite and high society will go after a mass catastrophe.

The buildings, and statues, most of which have nameplates on them from their creators seem like a giant collection of billions of dollars. That to me is the craziest part. Take the Norman Foster-designed Khan Shatyr shopping centre, on the road into town from the airport. It’s the world’s largest marquee with total area of 127,000 sq metres and a height along the spire of 150 metres. A special chemical lining protects those inside from the brutal icy winter and helps it maintain its special microclimate. The artificial beach, with sand specially imported from the Maldives, requires a constant 35C. All shopping centers need a beach, of course.
One thing that theorist are concerned about are the sheer level of important meetings that occur in this random country, with an over all population of 16 million. One I found quite interesting is a group, which I am sure most people have never heard of. The CONGRESS OF THE LEADERS OF WORLD AND TRADITIONAL RELIGIONS. This group meets once every three years in Astana. The first meeting had an interesting tagline I pulled from their site. The aim of the First Congress was search of universal guidelines in world and traditional forms of the religion, creation of permanent international interdenominational institute for realizing the religious dialogue and accepting coordinated decision.
While this sounds cool and loving and fuzzy. There is one thing you learn when researching conspiracies. Nothing is ever as it seems. So we have world leaders (not government leaders), religious leaders, and other important people sitting around a fancy facade paid for by oil companies. Sure sounds like they have everyones best interest in order i 'm sure.

There are as one would expect, visible examples of masonic construction as well.
The Ak Orda Presidential Palace sits in the East of the city centre, at the same position as the Grand Master’s chair. President Nazarbayev’s palace is flanked on either side by vast golden pillars, which correspond neatly with the twin pillars called ‘Joachim’ and ‘Boaz’ that stand on either side of a masonic temple. Many masonic rituals require initiates to pass between these pillars, and those with a little imagination might suggest that placing golden pillars on either side of Astana’s central Nurzhol Bulevard allows for occult workings on a grand scale.

Then of course there is the Pyramid, where the afformentioned Council of hopes and friendliness meets. Around a sun shaped table. We have the structure itself which is suggested to be n illuminati symbol throughout the world.
The pyramid’s apex is decorated with dove motifs. “Representing peace, which will result in the unification of the world governments and religions in the NEW WORLD ORDER.” With the rhetoric around the world, in the US, and the Vatican especially of religious unification, One would suspect this group of leaders are moving forward smoothly with whatever it is that they are planning.
While the theories do abound. It is possible that some very rich people hired a bunch of people to build a beautiful city in the middle of a nowhere county. it is also possible that this is hiding in plain sight by the worlds elite. By plain site i mean they are there, and not hiding, but it is unlikely you will ever hear of it. So why should they care. By the time something horrible happens and the leaders happen to have a place to gather and rebuild the world from this safe venue it will mean nothing.
i mean, that is a bit out there, but it would make sense. Say a Nuclear war starts, most countries will be affected in one way or another. It would be a good plan to have this established, not secret (so it can't be bad right) place to gather and discuss whats next. Either way, this is just scratching the surface of this place. i am sure there is more to uncover with the congress of world and religious leaders, the layout of the structures, and the meetings that take place there. It very well could be the home base for the New World Order.