This little Gem came across my desk in an article from The Daily Post UK. Their headline was about a woman catching a glimpse of a witch in Nature. The image is striking and could just be paradolia, but wow.
Apparently the lady who took the photo(below). Was out walking in the woods, attempting to find a foot path for a "Rambler group." I am assuming that is a walking club.
The many photos she took in the wooded areas around North Wales, in the UK were largely normal. However, one took her breath away. It showed what appeared to be a strikingly clear image of a face in the trees.
QUICK NOTE- CHECK OUT THE LAST WAVE PODCAST ON YOUTUBE( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q0M8MTcEu18 )
The area is actually documented as being a haven for witches in the 17th Century. It is also said by locals that these woods do hold witches, or are haunted. Given the legends of witches and hauntings within the woods. It could certainly be something like a Nature Guardian, Elemental, or even some type of Fae activity within the forest.
There is a local legend of a ship running ashore. The locals didn't want to help the men for some reason, but a young woman came forward. She struck the sand with a stick, causing water to rush upward from the ground, forming a wall, pushing the locals back in fear. The locals finally agreed to let the men stay, as long as they lived outside the village.
Rumors and Legends about the locals practicing witchcraft, while the boatmen, lived by smuggling and transporting still persist today. It is said that the well known witches never even had to pay for anything in town. The photo was taken in woods, not far from the original settlement site. Enjoy!
