Western thoughts tend to think of beings such as fairies, gremlins, leprechauns, and even big foot as often happy and aloof entities. However, there are stories throughout history of these beings not only defending their areas but violently forcing humans out completely.
There is one story inparticular that rings true of this. Bigfoot normally a large, scarce, and solo creature, has been recorded acting very differently. Multiple Bigfoot in fact. The story of the aptly named ape canyon on the slopes of Mount saint Helens used to be a suspected place to find your riches in gold. For one crew However, things did not go as plan.
According to a story that was widely run in Washington and Oregon newspapers at the time it was on a summer night in July, 1924 that a small cabin housing a group of miners came under attack by a gang of wild “apemen.” The Ape men violently attacked the Cabin. The miners had been out the previous day, searching for hidden gold mines, or caves in which to search. They had apparently spotted what looked like a large creature. One of the miners shot at the beast but missed and the creature vanished into the woods.
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Later that night, the creature returned, with friends. according to the miners accounts. the large creatures attempted to break into the cabin. Busting their arms through multiple openings. at one point one of the hairy creatures managed to grab an axe leaning against the wall. The miners were able to beat back the hands, and fire their weapons through the holes.
the creatures seemed to take no damage from the bullets or any physical damage. They simply retreated into the woods only to return a moment later for another attack. IT seemed nothing would stop the Creatures from getting to the men. Eventually, after expending plenty of ammunition, morning came. The men inched their way from the cabin, allegedly spotting one of the sasquatch creatures in the distance. He fired a shot at it, and watched it tumble into a nearby gorge. the men Hightailed it and got out of there. one of the miners went on to write a book about the encounter.

The next event is well known among fans of werewolf and dog-men legends. the siege of Lockett Ranch. This is a story much like the first one and what we have written about before. Where the area, nature, or the beings themselves are provoked. This time it led to one of the scariest Werewolf encounters in history.
In Mississippi, 1940's a farm is terrorized by a group of voracious werewolves. The family made a deal with local a local lumber company. The family went into the forest past their porperty lines to begin taking down trees. The land, old native american land, had been untouched for years. A full scale logging action took place on the property. there are legends of beings like this, as well as sasquatch protecting certain areas, especially ancient Native American lands.
Family members out hunting came back telling of severed deer heads they had found, one of which was stuck on a stick in the woods. After that the loggers had mentioned seeing fast movement in the woods around them as they worked. the sightings came to a head when one day the working loggers sped down the created logging road to the farm house. They quit at that moment, and reported one of their men had gone missing, leaving only a bloodied shirt behind.
The farm hands and family members searched through the night for the missing logger. the men returned quietly, speaking between them in hushed tones. The following morning before dawn the dogs on the property began to bark and act up. The men of the family and farm hands stood watch through the night with weapons ready. The young grandson recounts that his grandmother who had hid with him that night, told him that the men had shot a large creature that day and the rest had followed them to the house.
No matter what started it. The following years saw the family, their animals, and their land attacked and destroyed by these beasts. Even ealry on finding a dead hog, who had been slammed against the house until it was little more than a pile of meat. As in the story above, the hulking wolf men would beat on the outside of the farm house. Sometimes hitting it hard enough to shift the house itself. The creatures scared away any farmhands the family hired. This included multiple hunters that were attacked after they had been hired by the family to hunt down the attackers.
the family states that the attacks continued periodically for years. They only ended once the remaining young family members had been able to move, leaving the farm as it was, and leaving the land to the vicious pack of Wolf-men. there is a ton more to this story. There is a small amount about it online, and it is certainly worth the time to research and hear the details.

The final story today is quite unique to say the least. The previous stories had both included large, scary, hulking creatures. Now we are going to go way back in time to 800 AD, and see what happens when Leprechauns face off against Vikings.
A small viking raiding party sails there way to a land of opportunity and gold, so they have heard. Ireland, awaits their arrival. As they draw close to the Island a massive storm whips up from nowhere. The retinue of ships are destroyed and smashed among the climbing waves. Only three of the crew remain, as they are reunited when they wash up on Irelands shores. After collecting what salvage they could find, the viking men are met by an unexpected sight.
A small humanoid figure. 2-3 feet in height. Green and brown clothing, and a hat. The small being greeted them and cautiously urged them to follow him. The vikings having little option followed the being. He led them to a subteranean cave system. Within this cave system laid multiple torch lit rooms and other small fae type beings. Some sat arund a table eating. their host motioned to the men to sit and eat which they did.
the men noticed a glass or crystal like dome of light, it seemed to be transparent to them. Their description sounds to us in modern times like a type of force field. One of the men stood and moved closer to inspect it. Beyond its veil he could see treasure, gold, and jewels. The leprechaun figure shooed him away with clear meaning. This place was off limits. It was during the meal however, that the place was attacked by some type of creature. The description in the story lends the reader to believe it was some type of fae creature as well. An ogre/goblin perhaps.
In the ensuing madness one of the vikings fakes an injury. Once the coast is clear he makes a move toward the light dome, swiping one of the pots of gold. He leaves behind one gold coin as a joke. He meets his fellow vikings outside of the cave and they abscond to the shore. Luckily finding a usable ship. They stash the gold in the hold and embark back to their homeland. Shortly after they lose sight of shore, the men begin hearing laughing coming from the hold below. Hesitantly they lift the sheets just in time to witness a shocking visage
The Leprechaun who greeted them, turns toward them, and vanishes. Sadly he vanishes holding the pot of gold. One single coin left below in the hold. Laughter fades into the air around them for a moment. They do not turn back.