The last few days have been quite strange. The one debate happens, then President Trump and the first lady are whisked off to Walter Reed for treatment and Isolation.
However, are they actually in the hospital? Are there no medical facilities in the white house?
That seemed to be a solid question to broach first. Are there really no medical facilities on white house grounds? Even when dealing with Covid, they have not prepped anything in house just in case? They would rather take the President and family to Walter reed?
This all seemed to make little sense. Some of our contributors and team members were pointing out that they were afraid, whether they are supporters or not, that Trump could be targeted while in the hospital. So again, viable concerns, that should have been handled in house.
What we came to agree on is that Trump is not in the country at this time. The Covid isolation ploy would be a perfect chance to get him and the first family away, but why? The day after it was announced that Trump had Covid, two "doomsday" planes were in the air. The two planes, one along east coast, the other along the west coast, both have the ability to direct submarine based warheads.

As with your usual conspiracy, nobody believed it. However, a video was released from Trump, allegedly from inside the hospital, addressing the American people. While at first the video seems normal, one youtuber shows that it may not be.
The youtuber who's channel the video resides on shows how the background and even Trump himself seem to be swaying. By marking multiple spots on screen like his shoulders, the flags and a book. One can actually see that the shot does seem to rise and fall. This would make no sense from a tripod or professional set up. It would be rare for someone to simply hand film the president of the united states for around four minutes.
While this Blog post will be a bit short. We feel that it is one of our most important. If this is true then it does not bode well for America in the coming days. Could we be the recipient of an attack or EMP? It is an interesting note that an earthquake swarm was picked up near the San Andreas fault the day after the Trump Covid announcement. It is unclear if anything will happen, or what we can expect. However it would be prudent for everyone to keep their heads on a swivel.
Good Luck
(Also, check out my first novel in the ad to the side)>>>