As of June 2022, it would seem there may not be much hope for the human species. Sadly, it has been like that for much of the Human saga. Wars, pestilence, disasters, hate, greed. The list goes on.
Do we have a chance, or are we too far lost?
From the earliest recorded human encounters there has always been one thing, conflict. Inner, outer, with ourselves, and everyone else. The human race as far as we know, has spent little to no time, at peace. Whether we have guns, knives, clubs, it has never mattered. We have always been at each other's throats.

Can we really even be trusted with the world we have been given? That is an obvious no. If anything, we have been more a plague to earth. There is also one major issue with our history. The secrecy behind it, and the lies we are all told.
So, are things just doomed????
Perhaps not, There is a trend going around, which is the main reason for this post. Through multiple social media sites, we are used to seeing what? Half naked women and men, dancing, twerking, joking, whining. Yet little to nothing of real purpose. Social media has only given us a new avenue to hate one another, or be jealous, or lustful. Or a million other things that generally kind of suck.

However, What I, and others are now seeing are people speaking about truth. Real truths, inner light, peace, hidden history, ancient knowledge. It is truly astounding. If you have read my blog or heard our podcast, these are topics we cover a lot. To see others, now uncovering these topics, it's heartening.
It seems to myself and others that the main media companies, as well as social media, only want certain things from us. They want us scared, mainly. Also angry, sad, hateful, etc. The goal is to keep us doing what we have always done as humans, since the beginning of our history.
If, IF, we can manage to ignore what they want, and continue to learn and grow, maybe someday we can create a shift. Simply seeing people young and old now seeming to awaken to these "old ways" shows that we may have some hope. One day maybe we can make that shift happen and the entire race, our collective consciousness, will shift as well.
Then we will be able to unlock our true potential. Good luck, Keep up the search for truth. Never be to distracted to stop and wonder about the universe!