The man known as Jesus Christ, likely the most well known figure in History. Known for who he was, his deeds, and of course, his teachings. Now, the path of Christ through the bible can be a confusing one, so let's look Chronologically at major events in his life.
Birth of Jesus (Approximately 4-6 B.C.):
Jesus was born in Bethlehem to Mary and Joseph.
The nativity story includes the visit of the Magi and the shepherds.
Childhood and Early Years (Approximately 6 B.C. - 26 A.D.):
Accounts of Jesus' childhood are limited, with the exception of the visit to the Temple at age 12.
Jesus likely grew up in Nazareth.
Baptism by John the Baptist (Around 26-29 A.D.):
Jesus was baptized by John in the Jordan River.
The baptism marks the beginning of Jesus' public ministry.

There are also reports of Jesus in his young adult years traveling to other lands. Egypt, India, and Tibet. This to me is incredibly interesting. Mainly because he is known by different names in these areas.
One only needs to look into his time in Tibet to be amazed and intrigued by what the texts say. We will not be going into them on this article, mainly due to his travels deserving their own. Also, the provocative nature of some of the opinions on his travels. It is known However that he began his teaching around the age of 29-30.
Temptation in the Wilderness (Around 26-29 A.D.):
After his baptism, Jesus spent 40 days in the wilderness, facing temptation from Satan.
Public Ministry (Around 29-33 A.D.):
Jesus began preaching, teaching, and performing miracles.
He selected twelve disciples to accompany him.
The Sermon on the Mount and the parables are among his teachings.
Healing and Miracles (Around 29-33 A.D.):
Jesus performed various miracles, including healing the sick, restoring sight to the blind, and raising the dead.

While most of the images of Jesus Christ are likely very far from his actual form, they remain prevalent today. Most scholars and researchers maintain that the current image of a white bearded Jesus is actually Cesare Borgia.
The son of Pope Alexander VI, It would be unlikely given the area of birth, that Christ would be a nearly identical match to an Italian Cardinal. However, the very modern, and highly popular show "The Chosen", depicts a likely more true to form version of Christ.
Scientists have even tried to use the Shroud of Turin to glean Christs features for artistic recreation.
Transfiguration (Around 32-33 A.D.):
Jesus was transfigured on a mountain, appearing in radiant glory before Peter, James, and John.
Entry into Jerusalem (Around 33 A.D.):
Jesus entered Jerusalem riding on a donkey, and people hailed him as the Messiah.
The Last Supper (Around 33 A.D.):
Jesus celebrated the Passover meal with his disciples, instituting the Lord's Supper (Communion).
Arrest and Trial (Around 33 A.D.):
Jesus was betrayed by Judas Iscariot and arrested.
He faced a trial before the Jewish Sanhedrin and later before Pontius Pilate.
Crucifixion (Around 33 A.D.):
Jesus was crucified on a cross at Golgotha.
The crucifixion is central to Christian theology, representing the atonement for humanity's sins.

This is the most crucial era of the Christian faith. The crucifixion, and then subsequent Resurrection of Christ. Most of Christianity use the Resurrection as proof of Jesus Christ's divinity, and marks everything he did as truth in the eyes of his people.
Resurrection (Around 33 A.D.):
Jesus rose from the dead on the third day, as prophesied.
The resurrection is a foundational event in Christianity, signifying victory over death.
Post-Resurrection Appearances (Around 33 A.D.):
Jesus appeared to his disciples multiple times after his resurrection, providing them with further teachings.
Ascension (Around 33 A.D.):
Jesus ascended into heaven in the presence of his disciples.
Pentecost and the Holy Spirit (Around 33 A.D.):
The Holy Spirit descended upon the disciples, empowering them for their mission.
This is the known life of Jesus Christ. The man historically did live. His miracles are noted throughout history, as well as hist teachings, and the parables he told. There are of course, doubters of his true identity. Some researchers old and new, believe that the Jesus story is that of the Sun itself. Which is the light of the world. Whatever people believe, it is without a doubt that the man known as Christ is one of the most important figures of human History.