The Human race, a subject of much study for me lately. What are we? Where do we truly come from? Are we alone?
These and other questions haunt us as a species, the thirst to truly know any of these answers, is a life long quest for some.
The question more often raised, or worried about to be more specific, is where are we going? History is just that, it is history. It no longer matters to us. We are moving along and evolving even. However, what if we are not evolving, at least not how we believe.
We all see the world differently. Some of us could see completely different colors than others. We could have wholly different taste buds and other chemical reactions than others. There is one instance, a lot of instances actually. That really bug me and throw a wrench into the simple formula.

There are various little things that seem non-sensical or pointless. However, these instances happen to a lot of people. Little ticks even, that you thought only you had during childhood.
Specific thoughts, exact memories of events as well, seems to be a connection
What if we are all actually connected. A group mind, or consciousness. Maybe not a "Hive-Mind" so to speak but a collection of conscious beings. There have been multiple experiments regarding this theory. A most interesting anomaly actually occurred the morning of 9/11
On the morning of 9/11, random number generators spread around the world, began to change. They were allegedly put in certain places for experiments regarding completely other things. However, on the morning of 9/11, those completely random number generators, began to coincide with one another.
This would allegedly show some general conscious feeling or warning system had occurred in the "ether." So let us say this is true and that every human or being that is "alive" is connected. We are all connected within ourselves and to the entire mass of consciousness on the planet.

Now, that being said, if that is true, then where do we go from here. I look to things like Neuralink from Elon Musk. A satellite system and neural implant to connect us all to the internet.
More or less.
What would this do to us as Humans?
It is possible that this could open up our minds and allow us to interact more with one another, but also on a NEW level of consciousness. This would likely cut us off from what we have now. No one seems to know if this will be good or bad. IN one corner we argue the next human evolution.
On the other hand, hooking us all in to a man made, and human controlled consciousness is a terrifying thought. We will have to wait and see, as for now, keep the vibes up!