The hairy man, Sasquatch, Yeti. Names all seemingly related to the same being. General descriptions are as follows.
Humanoid- Generally human-like form
Hairy- Whether spiky or long and flowing, always an abundance of hair
Reclusive/defensive- Usually does best to avoid society, can be territorial,
These seem to be the uniting factors in most cases. Other general factors vary wildly. Color, height, and weight. Even with the differences, there can truly be no cryptid that unites the world, quite like...The Hairy People? lol
The main viewpoint between both mainstream individuals, as well as involved cryptozoologists, seems to be the same. These beings are simply undiscovered species of ape. These days, the image, in America especially, is a playful cartoonish one. Around the world however, people see these beings as a normality. One to usually revere, respect, and avoid at all cost.

The biggest difference seems to be between the most well known hairy Beings. The American Sasquatch(bigfoot) and the Himalayan Yeti.
A group of friends could have a great weekend searching for the Bigfoot. Most of the time they try not to be seen, sounds fun.
While the Sherpa people in Nepal are praying they don't encounter the Yeti, and hope it leaves their cattle alive.
The "Real creature" theory is good and all, and honestly, the world is huge, who knows. However, that is not the only theory. Some more fringe theories include Bigfoot being an alien, or a long lost cave man. The caveman theory would hold water, but there are creatures reported that are not really human like.

Certain Cryptids I would also consider part of the "hairy people" beings are human like, but also very different. Beings like the African Kalonoro(right) is an aggressive and rather short being.
They are also said to hunt in packs, using crude spears. It is also noted that instead of hair, they seemed to have "spikes" along their backs that bristled when they got angry.
Then we have the cute sounding, but mischievous Pukwudgie of the American North East. These again, very short, allegedly pudgy beings fall more into the fae folklore area. However they were reported for centuries in stories by the local native Americans. The little people of the forest they were known as.

With those two, more understandable theories behind us, let us move forward. What if I told you that Bigfoot, had stealth technology?
Exactly, well there have been reports, not only online, but to my team as well. On our podcast we covered a report from a father and son, but years apart.
Early-Mid 70's. Both men, years apart, were hunting in the same area. The father first, later reporting to his wife. He stated that something around 5 feet tall was following him from above. It was in the trees, but it was nearly invisible. It resembled a heat wave, when he could get a line of sight. The man left the area, adding the he noticed it following him out of the forest, to the treeline.
Next, years later, the son took a hunting trip to the same location. He rushed home hours earlier than expected. In a panic he related nearly the same event to his mother, who knew he was never told about his fathers experience. A local man emailed our group here regarding some creatures on his property in the foothills of NC. Sadly after remarkably similar reports to the story above, the gentlemen ceased contact through email.
Lastly, Around April of this year. A video was released to twitter, allegedly from Greensboro NC, where something clearly invisible is destroying a treetop. It seemed to be very heavy as the treetops swung as if a large ape swung from the branches. There are far more reports and even video/photo evidence for this theory, which I kind of like.
see what "invisible bigfoot" brings you in your own research, thanks for reading!