A case came to me not to long ago. Quite intriguing. It opened my eyes to what may be happening when someone is a medium or actual psychic. Most would say these individuals talk to spirits around us, but how did they learn to do this?
What first seemed like a haunted house case took a strange turn the further I dove in. A woman who shall be called Mrs' Smith, contacted my team regarding some concerns that she had. Her and her three children were facing a house full of activity. It seemed quite the story, small time teams do not usually get cases regarding such active places.
The reports consisted of sounds of foot steps, scratching, and knocking. they also reported shadowy figures. Some of the children had seen full body apparitions walking around inside the home. Some of which seemed to notice the children, they looked toward and even motioned toward one of the teens.
The mother, Mrs' Smith did mention that she thought she may have been sensitive in come ways. as well as having very good gut instincts, she put it. Among the discussion we turned to ideas of tuning down the activity or ridding the house of it, but that is when things took a strange turn.
I mentioned a home cleansing, but Mrs. Smith said it was not a good idea. This was attempted at a previous home and only made the activity worse. This turned into a description of activity in each home the family had lived in, This to me was interesting obviously.

given all of the information I had gathered from the mother, and the fact that none of the ghosts or spirits had harmed the family there seemed only one conclusion. It was not a curse or dark presence. I put forth the idea that the mother was indeed sensitive and could be much stronger at it than she expects.
also, It occurred to me that the children may be as well. Which I had never heard of or encountered before. An entire family more or less, all with the ability to see. Usually it is one child or one family member. Knowing this seemed to bring some comfort to the family.
I simply explained it like this. When a spirit or ghost wanders the other side for so long, then they notice someone noticing them it is shocking I am sure. I propose that people like this and those who call themselves mediums are actually beacons. Imagine being a spirit walking through the haze of the other side and you come across a light. that light would draw you in to inspect it.
This gift and light allows them to draw the spirits in and to speak with them. It is such an interesting thought. In looking for cases my team hoped to have requests to look into haunted houses and simple outings. All of a sudden we have possibly an entire family of mediums who have no idea what they are. Upon further discussion, we did offer the family ways of dampening the activity. this mixed with the knowledge that they are safe, and not to pursue speaking with the entities until ready comforted the family. It was a good ending, to a one of a kind case.